
Knight Consulting Limited (KCL) is a registered limited company with incorporation number RC 619573. It is a firm with an international affiliation and also partnering other consulting companies to ensure a cutting edge advantage.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Position: Accountant
Job Location:

A candidate is qualified to apply if he/she possess requisite qualification(s) in addition to the following:

  • A holder of Master degree, BSc/HND in Hotel management, Business Administration and Management, Accounting or its equivalent
  • A minimum of five(5)years post-graduation experience in hotel management or hospitality business.
  • Ability to speak English fluently and communicate effectively.
  • Articulate in record keeping and the use of hotel management software,
  • Good inter-personal relationship,
  • Ability to use and familiar with the Microsoft environment,
  • Must possess good report writing skill.