Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme (OYES) 2013. Application is on


Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme (OYES) 2013. Application is on


Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme (OYES) is a revolving volunteers scheme designed to eliminate the frustration and paralyzing effect of unacceptably high and seemingly intractable youth unemployment pervasive in Osun nay, Nigeria.
It aims at creating a bridge to employment by equipping as many young men and women ; our new youth, with positive work ethics and culture, self sustenance, resourcefulness and respect for the environment. It is designed to develop youths with Character and Competence (the 2 Cs) - infusing them with HONOUR AND INTEGRITY IN LIFE

Be a change agent, Serve your Community

In fulfillment of his promise to the people of the State of Osun, Governor Rauf Aregbesola, offers responsible, vibrant, enterprising youth VOLUNTEERS between ages 18 - 35 the opportunity to be part of the positive change in the following areas:
  • Traffic Management
  • Security
  • Drainage
  • Emergency Medicare
  • Environment
  • Waste Management
  • Road and Public Works

Batch 2013 - 2015 Registration - Empowering 20,000 youths productively in the State of Osun

Method of Application
Application is entirely free and available online. Interested candidates should
Click Here To Apply Online

Application Deadline 1st December, 2012 Click here to Apply