Sales Consultant / Representative

At WesternBricklay, our main objectives is to bring maximus satisfaction to Home and Offices oweners and builders by delivering the best possible materials and services right to their doorsteps.

WesternBricklay Limited is recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Sales Consultant/Representative
The ideal candidates will be at the core of the sales effort of the company. The candidates must possess the following:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Sales, Marketing or any related courses.
  • A minimum of a second class lower division (2.2)
  • Excellent prospecting, presentation and negotiation skills
  • Mastery of social media
  • Willingness to accept challenges and follow instructions
  • Excellent reporting skills
  • Proven knowledge of MS Office applications
  • Ability to create and maintain professional relationship with clients
  • Great interpersonal skills
  • Ability to analyze the market and recommending best strategy
  • Must be target-driven, motivated and focused
  • Must possess the ability to manage time, self and resources.
  • Must have good command of written and oral English language
  • Excellent knowledge of Port Harcourt city and environs
  • Ability to think and make decisions on the go and operate independently



  • Females are encouraged to apply as well.
  • Successful candidates will be contacted for an interview shortly.

Application Deadline  2nd December, 2016.