2018 FRSC Recruitment Exercise: Notification of Screening and Physical Assessment Phase
Date Posted: 17th September, 2018 / Category: Interviews / Comments: 0
The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) - The screening and physical fitness assessment of FRSC 2018 recruitment exercise which commenced on 28 May 2018 with the uploading of the application forms on FRSC recruitment portal is scheduled to be conducted… read more
6 Common Trap Questions You’ll Definitely be Asked at a Job Interview
Date Posted: 20th February, 2017 / Category: Interviews / Comments: 16
Experienced managers and interviewers are so skilled at asking few questions that will yield great depth of information about job applicants. One of the ways they do this is by asking tricky or trap questions that will uncover areas that my reflect inconsistencies.… read more
Tell me about Yourself?
Date Posted: 27th February, 2016 / Category: Interviews / Comments: 0
Questions: Tell me about Yourself? Below are 3 sample answers to this Popular Interview question Answer 1. Since last 4-5 years, I am deeply involved with my administrative work. I have always been interested and enjoyed working in the computer… read more
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Date Posted: 27th February, 2016 / Category: Interviews / Comments: 0
This is a popular Interview question. Below are 3 simples Answers for this question. Answer 1: I am obsessed to be the best at whatever I do. I would like to work in an organization where I’ll have the best chances to enhance my skills, doing interesting… read more
An interview question that is very difficult to answer.
Date Posted: 12th January, 2016 / Category: Interviews / Comments: 0
Question: What are your weaknesses ?? Intelligent answer - sir. My weakness is that whenever a task is given to me, i can not relax even a bit before completing it. Straight answer - i'll tell you sir, when i find one. Simple answer - i am not perfect.… read more
Moment of thinking... These are few questions asked in HR in
Date Posted: 12th January, 2016 / Category: Interviews / Comments: 0
Moment of thinking... These are few questions asked in HR interview! The answers are really stunning and inspiring. Thinking out of the box! A must read… Question 1: You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, it's raining… read more