Leadremit Limited

Trade / Services

Leadremit Limited, formerly known as Medsatu Forex Inc. was incorporated in the year 2000 by Mohamed Bah. His decision to start this company was made primarily because of his burning desire to provide solutions to the hardships of Sierra Leoneans during the civil war. This initiative provided Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora a platform to send money and aids to their loved ones back home. In 2015, the company embraced a global strategy through rebranding, recapitalization and shareholders dilution with adoption of a seasoned strategist, innovator and financial analyst Akin Akinsowon as co-owner and company’s Chief Executive Officer. The company’s name was changed from Medsatu Forex to First Apple.

Today, First Apple has undergo a major rebranding and the name has been changed to Leadremit Inc. Leadremit has partnered with other global money remittance companies and has been able to build a robust payment system in Africa. We work with ambitious financial institutions and businesses who understand that investing in security, technology, brand experience, and customer-centric marketing truly can grow and shape their organizations. Leadremit has an unshakeable drive to grow and design the future.

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