APIN Public Health Initiatives Massive Recruitment, October 2017
APIN Public Health Initiatives is a non-governmental donor-funded organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, care and support of diseases of public health importance in Nigeria, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, among others.
APIN Public Health Initiatives has been awarded a 5 year Grant by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to implement “Improving Comprehensive AIDS Response Enhanced for Sustainability” (iCARES) project, – a hybrid of facility and community based interventions, that will expand access to comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment services in 8 states of Benue, Ekiti, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo and Plateau in Nigeria. The program, funded by US PEPFAR through CDC, aims to contribute to the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal of HIV epidemic control in Nigeria.
We are seeking qualified and suitable candidates to assume the positions below:
Job Title: Technical Advisor – PMTCT
Location: Benue
Directorate: Prevention & Community Services
Department: Prevention
Job Description
- The Technical Advisor – (Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission) will provide technical support in PMTCT and EID program implementation at the programme sites within the context of integration of PMTCT services and scale up of interventions for both mother and HEI exposed infants, as well as to strengthen working relationship with stakeholders and build systems for programme sustainability at the state level.
Job Tasks
- Provide technical and programmatic support for the design, implementation and evaluation of the PMTCT and EID programs and work towards APIN target achievement at supported sites.
- Implement the PMTCT aspect of Prevention and Community directorate activities and contribute to the development and monitoring the implementation of state level annual and quarterly work plans.
- Work with other members of the Clinical team and Prevention and Community services team to build the capacity of State program officers, site clinicians and other providers of the PMTCT services.
- Ensure PMTCT and ART related technical assistance provided by State Regional Offices align with the overall Prevention and Community Services directorate work plan and strategies.
- Work with the Quality Assurance and M&E Teams design and conduct PMTCT quality Improvement Initiatives at the state level.
- Supervise the day to day collation of relevant data sets in liaison with the SI unit in the construction and analysis of the PMTCT cascade to ensure that the desired coverage of pregnant women for HTS services in ANC, ARV in pregnancy, Viral Load services, and EID interventions for HIV exposed Infants is achieved.
- Support the conduct of relevant program evaluations to ensure that program objectives are being met, quality of PMTCT services is comparable to world standards and organizational objectives are being met.
- Serve as state level liaison between relevant agencies of government at the sub national level including the Primary Health Care Board, the Hospital Management Board, SACA, State Ministry of health, Heads of public and private institutions and other state level actors in PMTCT program implementation
Qualifications and Experience
- A MBBS (or its equivalent) and a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH). A post graduate’s Medical fellowship in Public Health or Obstetrics and Gynecology would be an added advantage.
- A minimum of 10 years’ work experience in HIV/AIDS program management, including experience in the clinical management of HIV/AIDS.
Job Title: Technical Advisor (Pediatrics ART) – Clinical Services
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Clinical Services
Job Description
- The job holder will work to accelerate progress toward the attainment of PEPFAR Nigeria program goals. This includes the provision of support to HIV treatment facilities to achieve epidemic control in 7 high-burden “scale-up” local government areas (LGAs) by reaching the UNAIDS’ 90-90-90 goal in Benue State, and to maintain PLHIV currently on ART in the remaining 16 LGAs in Benue State and the ones in all the other states (all known as “sustained support LGAs” and “sustained support plus LGAs.
- S/he will also contribute to the strengthening of working relationships with other stakeholders and building of systems for program sustainability.
Job Tasks
- Work with other team members to promote age-specific, gender-sensitive approaches to antiretroviral therapy (ART) as part of national “test and start” strategy to improve linkage to treatment in all LGAs.
- Ensure that newly identified PLHIV (adults and children) as well as those currently on treatment continue to receive uninterrupted ART services in all LGAs.
- Support ART services for stable PLHIV through differentiated models of care and treatment in order to improve treatment outcomes and create efficiencies, including multi-month drug refills, use of community structures etc.
- Ensure that PLHIV on ART receive adequate medication adherence support and scheduled monitoring in order to retain them on treatment and ensure treatment success
- Promote the implementation of TB/HIV activities to address TB disease among PLHIV: HIV testing for all TB cases, timely TB diagnosis and treatment completion, and TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) for PLHIV, as well TB infection control in supported facilities
- Interface, in conjunction with other members of the APIN Clinical Services Team, between the APIN Program Office, relevant government agencies and other stakeholders
- Provide support for managing a team of technical staff
- Contribute to the development of program work plans
- Provide technical and programmatic support for high quality HIV program implementation and service delivery, in line with national guidelines and international best practices, and work towards target achievement by supported sites and program sustainability
- Promote stakeholder engagement by working with various levels of government, their relevant bodies/agencies, US Government agencies in Nigeria and other partners
- Work closely with other team members to prepare program reports and document best practices
Qualifications and Experience
- A Medical degree (MBBS or equivalent), a Postgraduate Medical Fellowship in Pediatrics or a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH), with a minimum of 8 years’ cognate experience, especially in Pediatrics HIV clinical/program management.
- Experience in TB, MNCH, RH and malaria programs would be an advantage.
Job Title: Technical Advisor – Molecular Diagnostics
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Laboratory Services
Job Description
- To provide technical support to supported PCR laboratories to establish, implement and improve quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) activities including viral load testing, DNA PCR and HIV drug resistance monitoring.
- Participate in supportive supervision and provide mentorship to supported laboratories to achieve an improved QA program.
Job Task
- Support and strengthen all capacity building efforts of molecular diagnostic section of all APIN supported laboratories.
- Programming, calibration and performance verification of PCR equipment.
- PCR equipment use, application, care, troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance.
- HIV-1 DNA and RNA HBV, HCV sample collection, documentation, storage, preparation and processing and assay runs.
- Validation of assay runs, analysis and interpretation of results, and data management.
- Storage and shipment of blood extract, and fractions in liquid Nitrogen.
- Validate and evaluate new nucleic acid based test technologies for performance.
- Maintain personal expertise in PCR laboratory practices and emerging automated methodologies and technologies.
- Participate in supportive supervision and provide mentorship to health center laboratories.
- Contribute to the strengthening of PCR laboratory network within the APIN program and with other institutions and stakeholders.
- Participate in the training of laboratory personnel and other health workers in molecular laboratory procedures and diagnostics.
- Provide technical assistance in strengthening PCR laboratory data management to improve data utilization.
- Provide support in the supplies chain management of PCR commodities including rolling out tools for quantification and tracking of supplies at supported laboratories.
- Coordinate EQA and IQC programs for HIV-1 DNA and RNA, HBV, HCV testing.
- Facilitate regular communications on PCR equipment repairs and maintenance with the relevant vendors and in-house services
Qualifications and Experience
- A minimum of Master’s Degree in Virology with professional certification of either AIMLT/FIMLT is required.
- A minimum of 10 years’ relevant post qualification experience.
- A PhD degree and previous experience working with an International Development Organization would be an added advantage.
Job Title: Technical Advisor – Laboratory Services
Location: Benue
Directorate: Laboratory Services
Job Description
- The jobholder will assist in the design, planning and implementation of laboratory services and laboratory related activities at the state level
Job Task
- S/he will Compile, analyze and monitor trends on the functionality and optimization of all Molecular and Clinical laboratory services as well as laboratory related activities
- Support the implementation of Laboratory Continuous Quality Improvement and the deployment and institution of appropriate corrective and preventive action respectively.
- S/he will assist in the evaluation of laboratory methods and procedures; and conduct of periodic laboratory system assessment and review of activities.
- Responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Integrated Sample Referral Network and an efficient biosafety and infection control program across all supported healthcare facilities and communities.
- Assist in the development and adaptation of required guidelines/standards for related laboratory services. The job holder is also responsible for the functionality of all laboratory information systems and linkage to EMR.
- Responsible for the design, implementation and monitoring system to assure an efficient documentation of lab documents and records.
- Prepare progress reports of laboratory activities, lab program implementation and lab quality issues.
Qualifications and Experience
- A Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification in Medical Laboratory Science.
- A valid certificate to practice as Medical Laboratory Scientist mandatory.
- 10 years’ experience in implementing Public Health programs preferably in the NGO context.
- Experience in a molecular laboratory would be an added advantage.
Job Title: Technical Advisor – Quality Management Systems
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Laboratory Services
Job Description
- The incumbent will report to Director, Laboratory Services and will support in the design, planning and implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) across Clinical and Molecular laboratories supported by APIN.
Job Task
- S/he will oversee the implementation and monitoring of all Quality Assurance mechanism including but not limited to the WHO/AFRO SLIPTA/ SLMTA program, HIV Rapid Test Quality Improvement Initiative (RTQII) and the Laboratory Process Review (LPR) program;
- S/he will design systems for the continual monitoring of the impact of QMS in the quality of patient care and reliability of the laboratory.
- The job holder will provide supervision, mentoring and technical assistance to the sites for the development and review of quality documents; and institution and implementation of LQMS.
- Coordinate the conduct of internal audits, investigation of non-conformities and monitoring of the implementation of appropriate corrective and preventive action.
- The jobholder will prepare technical reports for all Laboratory Quality Assurance mechanisms.
Qualifications and Experience
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Medical Laboratory Science. A valid certificate to practice as Medical Laboratory Scientist is mandatory.
- 10 years’ experience of running/implementing public health programs preferably in the NGO context.
- Experience in a molecular laboratory is an added advantage. Knowledge and experience in the design, implementation and management of Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) and relevant Laboratory Quality Assurance mechanisms including WHO/AFRO SLIPTA and HIV RTQII.
- Knowledge of regulatory agency standards including ISO 15189:2015, 17025:2005.
Job Title: Senior Technical Advisor (ART) – Clinical Services
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Clinical Services
Job Description
- The job holder will work to maintain a high level of expertise and innovation in the delivery of pediatrics and adult antiretroviral therapy (ART).
- This is necessary to accelerate progress toward the attainment of PEPFAR Nigeria program goals.
- This includes the provision of support to HIV treatment facilities to achieve epidemic control in 7 high-burden “scale-up” local government areas (LGAs) by reaching the UNAIDS’ 90-90-90 goal in Benue State, and to maintain PLHIV currently on ART in the remaining 16 LGAs in Benue State and the ones in all the other states (all known as “sustained support LGAs” and “sustained support plus LGAs.
- S/he will also contribute to the strengthening of working relationships with other stakeholders and building of systems for program sustainability.
Job Tasks
- Support the development of evidence-based strategies in line with national guidelines and donor priority for the attainment of UNAIDS 90-90-90 goal, including the implementation of national “test and start” strategy to improve linkage to treatment in all LGAs, uninterrupted ART services for PLHIV, differentiated models of care and treatment, medication adherence support and scheduled monitoring in order to retain them on treatment and ensure treatment success, and TB/HIV activities to address TB disease among PLHIV
- Provide support to the DCS for the management of the program-wide Clinical Services team
- Identify program-wide capacity building needs as this relates to the Clinical Services Directorate and support capacity building efforts
- Provide technical guidance for the delivery of antiretroviral therapy in line with national guidelines and international best practices
- Ensure that training materials, SOPs and tools for ART service delivery are up-to-date
- Work with the DCS, other team members and relevant units/directorates to support identification of priority areas for evaluation in order to improve program implementation
- Work closely with other team members to prepare program reports and support documentation of best practices as well as enhance knowledge sharing
- Interface, in conjunction with other members of the APIN Team, between the APIN Program Office, relevant government agencies and other stakeholders
- Contribute to the development of program work plans
- Promote stakeholder engagement by working with various levels of government, their relevant bodies/agencies, US Government agencies in Nigeria and other partners
Qualifications and Experience
- A Medical degree (MBBS or equivalent), a Postgraduate Medical fellowship in a Clinical Specialty (Internal Medicine, Family Medicine or Pediatrics) or a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH), with a minimum of 10 years’ cognate experience, especially in HIV clinical/program management.
- Experience in TB, MNCH, RH and malaria programs would be an advantage.
Job Position: Senior Technical Officer – Monitoring & Evaluation
Location: Plateau, Benue
Directorate: Strategic Information
Job Description
- The job holder will be a member of the Strategic Information team and will contribute to program monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
Job Tasks
- Provide guidance on program/project monitoring and evaluation and on US Government and Government of Nigeria reporting requirements.
- Provide technical assistance to program sites in the collection, analysis, reporting and use of output data for program improvement
- Manage the program’s reporting cycle to ensure high quality and complete data are sent to the program office on a periodic basis, or when required
- Conduct routine monitoring visits to project sites and provide supportive supervision
- Ensure documentation and dissemination of the quality improvement and best practices at both central office and programme sites
- Identify training needs, develop and implement training of relevant QI staff at both the central office and programme sites
- Collaborate with HealthQual international on the QI strengthening project
- Support and monitor the implementation of the QI coaching strategy
- Share program output data with the program team
- Monitor the progress of the program towards achieving targets
- Work in collaboration with other members of the team to follow up on Monitoring & Evaluation Committees at the program sites to ensure the promotion of data utilization by relevant end users
- Facilitate the provision of technical support to strengthen M&E
- Contribute to the development and review of appropriate data collection tools and procedures for all monitoring and reporting needs
- Contribute to the periodic review of the organization’s quality improvement protocol, in line with national protocol
Qualifications and Experience
- A Medical degree (MBBS or equivalent), a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) and a minimum of 7 years’ relevant experience supporting the implementation of M&E systems, and planning and executing program evaluation.
Job Position: Senior Technical Officer – Quality Assurance
Location: Lagos, Abuja, Benue
Directorate: Strategic Information
Job Description
- To drive quality improvement programs, with a view to achieving best practice performance levels and implementation of evidence-based practices in caring for People Living with HIV/AIDS under the APIN program
Job Task
- Ensure documentation and dissemination of the quality improvement and best practices at both central office and programme sites
- Identify training needs, develop and implement training of relevant QI staff at both the central office and programme sites
- Collaborate with HealthQual international on the QI strengthening project
- Support and monitor the implementation of the QI coaching strategy
- Review and update the programme quality improvement protocol as indicated
- Develop and coordinate the implementation of the programme quality management plan
- Act as secretary to the APIN Central Quality Assurance committee
- Provide technical support to program sites in developing and implementing clinical quality improvement activities in all program areas
Qualification and Experience
- MBBS and a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) and minimum of 7 years’ experience in health care management and/or HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programming, including at least 4 year experience in healthcare quality improvement, patient safety and outcome reporting
Job Position: Senior Program Officer – Community Services
Location: Lagos, Benue
Directorate: Prevention & Community Services
Department: Community Service
Job Description
- To provide technical and programmatic support as well as work closely with the Technical Advisor, to drive Community services in the Prevention & Community directorate of the organization in close working relationship with stakeholders; CSOs, supported health facilities, relevant government agencies and network of PLHIVs, in the implementation of community-based programs, care and support, Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC) services with gender mainstreaming, and working closely with the State Teams to ensure achievement of programmatic goals and objective
Job Tasks
- To provide oversight in the management of CSOs activities (inclusive of target achievements and reimbursements) in assigned state(s)
- Contribute to capacity building efforts of partners and ensure delivery of high quality services at all program sites using internationally recognized best practices and in line with national guidelines
- Provide oversight and support on bi-directional referrals between communities and health facilities, and gender mainstreaming across program areas within the directorate.
- Provide oversight and technical support to all community services in assigned state(s) with guidance from the supervisor and the Technical Lead
- Contribute to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of directorate work plans with quarterly progress report writing of all programmatic activities
- Contribute to the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as reporting of Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC), and Care & Support services at the program sites
Qualifications and Experience
- A first degree in Sciences or Social Sciences and a Master’s degree in relevant field.
- A minimum of 8 years cognate experience in an NGO or donor-funded environment with expertise in the design, implementation and monitoring of HIV Care & Support program (including OVC)
Job Position: Program Officer – Community Services
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Prevention & Community Services
Department: Community Service
Job Description
- To provide technical and programmatic support as well as work closely with the Technical Advisor, to drive Community services in the Prevention & Community directorate of the organization in close working relationship with stakeholders; CSOs, supported health facilities, relevant government agencies and network of PLHIVs, in the implementation of community-based programs, care and support, Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC) services with gender mainstreaming, and working closely with the State Teams to ensure achievement of programmatic goals and objectives.
Job Tasks
- Contribute to the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as reporting of Orphans & Vulnerable Children (OVC), and Care & Support services at the program sites
- To provide oversight in the management of CSOs activities (inclusive of target achievements and reimbursements) in assigned state(s)
- Contribute to capacity building efforts of partners and ensure delivery of high quality services at all program sites using internationally recognized best practices and in line with national guidelines
- Provide oversight and support on bi-directional referrals between communities and health facilities, and gender mainstreaming across program areas within the directorate.
- Provide oversight and technical support to all community services in assigned state(s) with guidance from the supervisor and the Technical Lead
- Contribute to the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of directorate work plans with quarterly progress report writing of all programmatic activities
Qualifications and Experience
- A First degree in Sciences or Social Sciences. A Master’s degree in relevant field, would be an added advantage.
- A minimum of 6 years cognate experience in an NGO or donor-funded environment with expertise in the design, implementation and monitoring of HIV Care & Support program (including OVC)
Job Position: Associate Director – Strategic Information
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Strategic Information
Job Description
- The job holder will provide leadership for the SI department and shall be accountable for all the QA/QI activities, monitoring and evaluation, learning and documentation of projects activities, results and program quality.
Job Tasks
- Manage the SI department; defining strategies, goals, objectives and work plan, and monitoring their implementation.
- Take overall responsibility for all SI unit functions across all projects
- Take lead in the development, implementation and reporting formats for PEPFAR and GF indicators and targets in collaboration with the State Teams.
- Establish system for flow of information from service-delivery points to the central data base and ensure timely technical support to all implementing health facilities.
- Review, validate, share and present regular M&E reports, to be used by various stakeholders (CDC, GON, NACA, APIN management and Program Staff)
- Provides adequate data for PEPFAR, NASCP and NACA reporting; and provides inputs into other national and international reporting systems
- Take a leadership role in all QA/QI processes
- Build the capacity of SI staff in the design and implementation of a coordinated and effective monitoring and evaluation system.
- Supervise and support the data management, analysis and quality management-related initiative undertaken by M&E officers at the country office.
- Link and analyze resource inputs, outputs and outcomes and report on project effectiveness and efficiency.
- Work with relevant units to document and publish best practices.
- Provide clear documentation of programmatic achievements and keep PRO senior management informed on monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
- Coordinate writing of reports and take responsibility for compilation of joint project report to the donor and partners.
Qualification and Experience
- A Medical degree (MBBS or equivalent), a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) and a minimum of 12 years’ cumulative experience with at least 6 years progressive supporting the implementation of M&E systems, and planning and executing of HIV/AIDS Programs
Job Position: Program Officer – Prevention
Job Location: Abuja
Directorate: Prevention & Community Services
Department: Prevention
Job Description
- The Program Officer, Prevention Services will work with stakeholders, facilities, Civil society organizations, Subnational government units, Technical working groups in the planning, implementation, coordination and evaluation of Prevention of HIV services including general prevention, HTS services, Blood and Injection safety program within APIN supported state of operations, communities and facilities.
Job Tasks
- Responsible for the design and implementation of the HIV prevention services (including HTS among KP, adolescents and young people, and partner services) in supported states.
- Support the process of development, review and deployment of HIV prevention documents, guidelines and training curricula, including HIV Testing Services/Partner notification Services and KP testing service tailored training curriculum and service delivery guidelines
- Responsible for the implementation of minimum prevention package intervention (MPPI) for Key Population
- Work to strengthen quality assured counseling and testing services across all the HTS models – facility based, mobile and strategic community outreaches targeting key and vulnerable
- Work with the state MOH for qualitative HIV prevention service delivery in line with the national and program guidelines populations including adolescents and young people
- Provide technical support and oversight to ensure excellent KP and HIV Testing Services delivery in supported states in line with program directives
- Ensure that the implementation of HIV Prevention activities are in line with the project’s implementation plan and meets the donor needs.
- Represent and make appropriate presentations to management team, stakeholders at various fora on prevention program achievements and deliverables
- Support advocacy, demand creation, and mobilize policy/guidelines support across facilities as required by program activities and actively participate in technical working group meetings at different level
Qualifications and Experience
- Bachelor’s degree in Basic Medical Sciences, Humanities or Arts and a Master degree in Health (MPH, M.Sc.) or equivalent degree in Humanities and a minimum of 6 years’ experience progressive work in the implementation of comprehensive prevention projects in donor funded programs.
- Skills in management of blood safety, injection safety and key population programs and service delivery.
Job Position: Technical Associate – Pharmacy & SCM
Location: Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Ondo, Ekiti, Plateau, Benue
Directorate: Pharmacy & Supply Chain Management
Job Description
- To render support to all clinical pharmacy and supply chain management activities of the program
Job Task
- Provide Technical Assistance to supported facilities in designated Local Government Areas of the state
- Ensure adherence to pharmacy related guidelines, SOPs, job aids and protocols at supported facilities in designated Local Government Areas of the state
- Ensure the availability and proper use of the ART LMIS tools at supported facilities in designated Local Government Areas of the state
- Facilitate timely submission of all LMIS report by supported facilities in designated Local Government Areas of the state
- Ensure proper monitoring and retention of devolved patients in Care in designated Local Government Areas of the state
- Track the movement of patients between from Hub facilities to different models of Care and between models in designated Local Government Areas of the state
- Promote excellent HIV Clinical Pharmacy practices and documentation at supported facilities in designated Local Government Areas of the state
- Promote ADR surveillance and reporting at the designated facilities and collate all Pharmacovigilance reports in the state
- Work with Government officials and facility staff to achieve program goals
- In conjunction with the State LMCU, ensure consistent availability of required HIV commodities at supported facilities in designated Local Government Areas of the state
Qualifications and Experience
- Pharm or Pharm. D degree, Registered Pharmacists with minimum of 2 years progressive experience in Managing HIV, TB or Malaria programs
Job Position: Technical Associate – Laboratory Logistics
Location: Benue, Lagos
Directorate: Laboratory Services
Job Description
- To support the development, implementation and monitoring of the laboratory logistics plan in program implementation.
- He/she will coordinate the stock management and distribution of laboratory equipment and reagents
Job Task
- With technical guidance from the Director – Lab Services, coordinate the integration of laboratory logistics system for efficient quantification and supply of laboratory reagents and consumables.
- Assist in determining proper inventory levels, ordering points, and ordering quantities.
- Confer with user departments and provide cost information for budgeting purposes.
- Advise on methods to improve receiving, storing, and distributing materials and supplies and maintain stock control records.
- Track usage of supplies and report on any incidence of abuse.
- Responsible for the preparation of technical reports as regards Laboratory Logistics.
- Perform any other duties as assigned
- Oversee the Lab Logistics Remote tracker to support commodities availability across supported healthcare facilities.
- Receive delivery of materials in the warehouse.
- Verify quantities of goods delivered, inspect for damage and sign delivery tags.
- Prepare and maintain records concerning the receipt and issuance of materials.
- Update computer inventory control records.
- Perform periodic physical inventory and reconciles with inventory records.
Qualifications and Experience
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Medical Laboratory Science. A valid certificate to practice as Medical Laboratory Scientist mandatory.
- 3 years’ experience in managing laboratory supply chain management logistics preferably in the NGO context.
- Familiarity with standards and federal/state regulations affecting the laboratory and laboratory practices
Job Position: Technical Associate – Laboratory Program Support
Location: Abuja
Directorate: Laboratory Services
Job Description
- The incumbent will provide general program assistance and conduct activities to support laboratory program implementation
Job Task
- S/he will design, coordinate and implement a system for the real time follow up on all outstanding unit tasks and action plan in line with approved timelines.
- S/he will assist in the preparation of the laboratory administrative reports and collation of success stories.
- Provide daily administrative & logistical support to the lab team & other staff as requested.
- S/he will be responsible for communicating all program related matters and/or specific policy information related to the unit.
- Assist in updating and/or developing policies and procedures and support the system for document control.
- The job holder is responsible for planning and coordinating all laboratory related trainings in collaboration with the CQ/IM unit.
Qualifications and Experience
- A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Laboratory Sciences, Biology, Chemistry or related science from an accredited University.
- 2 years’ experience preferably in the NGO setting.
- A knowledge of laboratory data management would be an added advantage.
Job Position: Senior Technical Officer – Pharmacy & SCM
Location: Benue
Directorate: Pharmacy & Supply Chain Management
Job Description
- To render support to all clinical pharmacy and supply chain management activities of the program
Job Task
- Promote excellent HIV Clinical Pharmacy practices and documentation at supported facilities
- Support Pharmacovigilance activities and drug information services in the states
- Provide Monthly reports for Pharmacy related activities for the region
- Ensure quality assurance of HIV Pharmaceutical services at the facility level
- Identify trainings and conduct approved trainings in the region
- Ensure adherence to pharmacy related guidelines, SOPs, job aids and protocols at supported facilities in the region
- Ensure the availability and proper use of the ART LMIS tools at supported facilities in the region
- Ensure the timely submission of all LMIS report by supported facilities in the region
- Provide regional leadership of clinical pharmacy, pharmacovigilance and ART Differentiated Care activities
- Maintain effective relationship and interaction with Government officials and other stakeholders with other members of the team to achieve program goals
- Engage with the Regional PSM TWG and other key stakeholders for strategic decision making on supply chain related issues
- Provide Technical Assistance/ onsite mentorship to supported facilities
- Supervise drug logistics in the region
- Provide Technical oversight on ART Differentiated Care activities in the region
- Ensure proper monitoring, tracking and retention of devolved patients in Care in in the region
- Support Operational research
Qualifications and Experience
- Pharm or Pharm. D degree with Masters in Clinical Pharmacy, Public Health, Epidemiology or Pharmacology.
- Registered Pharmacists with minimum of 8 years progressive experience in Managing HIV, TB or Malaria programs
Job Position: Technical Officer – Clinical Services
Location: Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Ondo, Ekiti, Abuja, Benue
Directorate: Clinical Services
Job Description
- The job holder will work to accelerate progress toward the attainment of PEPFAR Nigeria program goals.
- In Benue State, this includes providing support to HIV treatment facilities to achieve epidemic control in 7 high-burden “scale-up” local government areas (LGAs) by reaching the UNAIDS’ 90-90-90 goal.
- In the remaining 16 LGAs in Benue State and the ones in all the other states (all known as “sustained support LGAs” and “sustained support plus LGAs”), the facilities will be supported to maintain PLHIV currently on ART.
Job Tasks
- Promote the implementation of TB/HIV activities to address TB disease among PLHIV: HIV testing for all TB cases, timely TB diagnosis and treatment completion, and TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) for PLHIV, as well TB infection control in supported facilities
- Interface, in conjunction with other members of the APIN Clinical Services and State Teams, between the APIN Program Office, Program Sites, relevant government agencies and other stakeholders
- Contribute to the development of program work plans
- Provide technical and programmatic support for high quality HIV program implementation in line with national guidelines and international best practices, and work towards target achievement by supported sites and program sustainability
- Promote stakeholder engagement by working with various levels of government, their relevant bodies/agencies, US Government agencies in Nigeria and other partners
- Work closely with other team members to prepare program reports and document best practice
- Work with other team members to promote age-specific, gender-sensitive approaches to antiretroviral therapy (ART) as part of national “test and start” strategy to improve linkage to treatment in all LGAs.
- Ensure that newly identified PLHIV (adults and children) as well as those currently on treatment continue to receive uninterrupted ART services in all LGAs.
- Support ART services for stable PLHIV through differentiated models of care and treatment in order to improve treatment outcomes and create efficiencies, including multi-month drug refills, use of community structures etc.
- Ensure that PLHIV on ART receive adequate medication adherence support and scheduled monitoring in order to retain them on treatment and ensure treatment success
Minimum Qualifications and Experience
- A Medical degree (MBBS or equivalent) and a minimum of 6 years’ relevant experience in HIV clinical/program management. A Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) degree would be an added advantage.
Job Title: Officer – Finance
Locations: Plateau, Ondo, Benue
Division: Operations
Department: Finance
Job Title
- The Finance Officer will have responsibility for monitoring financial transactions to ensure adherence to financial regulations and achieve efficient utilization of financial resources as well as to track, analyze and report on financial transactions and budget implementation.
Job Task
- Monitor financial transactions at the state level, including reviewing financial transactions for compliance with the programme’s financial and administrative policies, and rendering report on findings
- Implement APIN’s financial and administrative policies, including coordination and control of the office budget
- Track budget implementation for the office and programme sites
- Review monthly financial summary reports and quarterly financial statements of the programme sites
- Prepare monthly financial report of the programme office
- Manage PAYE tax remittance and liaise with tax authorities on tax matters
- Manage the payment of insurance premium and liaise with APIN’s insurers on insurance matters
- Maintain records of fixed asset by updating the fixed asset register
- Review staff travel and other advances, carry out analysis and prepare bi-weekly report
Qualification and Experience
- A B.Sc. or HND in Accounting or any related discipline, with a relevant professional qualification (ACA or ACCA) and a minimum of 8 years’ experience in the Finance function of a best-practice organisation, preferably in an NGO
Job Title: Officer – Grants Administration
Location: Abuja
Division: Operations
Department: Grants Administration
Job Description
- This position will support the Grants Administration/Compliance department to coordinate all legal activities including drafting contractual documentation, development of model form contracts and development and delivery of training/briefings in key legal areas
Job Task
- Reviews, drafts and negotiates major agreements, consulting agreements, cooperative agreements, special licensing, non-disclosure agreements, donor terms and amendments for Grant Compliance & Procurement Departments
- Drives contract lifecycle from drafting through completion of the negotiation process, and/or contract execution. Manages contract change control process and related correspondence requiring legal input.
- Drafts, manages, distributes, responds to, or analyzes RFIs, RFPs, RFQs or donor terms & conditions as it relates to procurement & grant compliance
- Prepare, develop and maintain contract templates, contracts policy, legal risk and liability, and company position on various matters.
- Prepare contracts for internal review and approval and ensures compliance with organizational policies, donor requirements as well as applicable laws or regulations
- Maintaining awareness of relevant legislation, Government initiatives and any policies that will impact on the organization
- Interprets contracts and advises Grant / Procurement Departments on contractual responsibilities;
- Translate complex commercial/legal documents into simple plain language for ease of understanding by non-legal professionals
- Performs any other duties as may be assigned by Supervisor.
Qualification and Experience
- LLB, BL and a minimum of 5 years’ experience in drafting agreements in a standard organisation, preferably in an international CDC/USAID funded.
Job Title: Assistant Officer – Finance
Location: Benue, Plateau, Oyo, Ondo,
Division: Operations
Department: Finance
Job Description
- The job holder will render assistance in a wide range of day to day finance and accounting activities, such as banking and staff advance transactions as well as record keeping.
Job Task
- Assist the program offices and sites to track budget implementation
- Support the monthly review of financial summary reports and quarterly financial statements of the program office
- Complete payment vouchers and other supporting documents.
- Check advance retirements and issue receipts as appropriate.
- Manage PAYE and other tax remittance and liaise with tax authorities on tax matters
- Maintain records of fixed asset in the state by updating the fixed asset register
- Review staff travel and other advances, carry out analysis and prepare bi-weekly report
Qualification and Experience
- B.Sc or HND in Accounting or any related discipline, with relevant professional qualification (ACA or ACCA) and a minimum of 6 years’ experience in the Finance function of a standard organisation, preferably in an international NGO
Job Title: Assistant Officer – (Compliance/Asset MGT)
Location: Abuja
Division: Operations
Department: Compliance & Internal Control (Internal Audit)
Slot: 2
Job Description
- Reporting to the Internal Auditor, the Internal Audit Advisor shall be responsible for monitoring compliance with APIN policies, donor requirements and general best practice
Job Task
- Support the Internal Audit to review financial records and other reports, systems and controls maintained in all programme offices and partner sites
- Carry out value adding and risk based audit in all units and sites
- Collate and documents internal audit findings, follow up on responses from audited units/sites as well as on implementation of audit action plan
- Carry out physical verification of assets and reconciles with records maintained at the offices and sites
- Maintain records of fixed asset by updating the fixed asset register
- Assist in the preparation of annual plan and periodic risk assessment exercises
- Research and document emerging issues in internal audit practice
Qualification and Experience
- B.Sc. or HND in Accounting or any related discipline, with relevant professional qualification (ACA or ACCA) and a minimum of 6 years’ experience in audit function of a standard organisation, preferably in an international NGO
Job Title: Assistant Officer – Human Resource
Location: Lagos, Benue
Division: Operations
Department: HR & Admin
Job Description
- The job holder will have responsibility for providing a wide range of support in the human resource and organizational development functions.
Job Task
- Drive the documentation of recruitment & selection process and leave administration
- Support and monitor the implementation of organizational effectiveness initiatives and render report on progress being made
- Actively support change management programs and activities
- Work closely with other members of the HR Team to monitor and benchmark HR systems and practices in peer organizations and report new practices for possible adoption
- Monitor adherence to personnel policies and code of conduct and render periodic reports on the level of compliance
- Support the implementation of the performance management system and support its alignment to the organizational goals
- Provide necessary assistance and make contributions to the planning and implementation of HR improvement and other related projects
Qualifications and Experience
- A First degree in the Social Sciences, the Humanities or any other relevant field and membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM).
- A minimum of 6 years cognate experience, preferably in an international NGO
Job Title: Manager – Grants Administration
Location: Abuja
Division: Operations
Department: Grants Administration
Job Description
- This position will support the Grants Administration/Compliance department to coordinate all financial activities associated with developing, managing and monitoring of sub awards agreements including budgets according to CDC and other donor rules and regulation as applicable.
Job Task
- Work with the Associate Director to facilitate grant efforts, including grant approval process and post-award compliance
- Identifying compliance gaps and/or risks such as differences between donor and internal APIN policies and procedures and work closely with the donors to resolve same
- Tracking grant contract and sub-contract compliance.
- Maintain a budgetary control system to monitor grant budgets vs expenditures and advice management on variances and corrective actions required.
- Assist in developing outlines, timelines and budgets templates for grants according to funding guidelines
- Building of capacity of partner staff in grants/contract compliance through formal training, on-the-job support and monitoring and mentoring
- Conducting timely assessment of Sub-Contractor financial management capacity and ability to adhere to any specific donor requirements and develop related action plan to address any capacity and/or system gaps
- Maintains necessary records, files, reports, databases, and resource materials pertinent to Grants Office activities.
- Ensure that grant financial reports are timely and accurately prepared in the required formats
- Researches information and data necessary for grants sourcing and reporting.
- Coordinating the timely submission of bid proposals in response to grant award opportunities
- Edits and organizes grant documents written by other staff and departments.
- Disseminates information on funding opportunities and compliance requirements to appropriate departments
- Monitors outstanding grant proposals. Follows up with funding agency as necessary.
- Researches new funding opportunities available through local private and corporate foundations.
- Performs any other duties as may be assigned by Supervisor.
Qualification and Experience
- B.Sc or HND in Accounting or any related discipline, with relevant professional qualification (ACA or ACCA) and a minimum of 8 years’ experience in audit function of a standard organisation, preferably in an international CDC/USAID funded NGO.
Job Title: Senior Associate – Procurement
Location: Abuja
Division: Operations
Department: Procurement
Job Description
- To organize and manage the records and database of the unit as well as provide necessary support to the Procurement Officer in all unit processes and activities
Job Task
- Work closely with the Procurement Officer to register vendors
- Organize and manage vendor records and database
- Raise purchase orders, purchase requisitions and other procurement documents
- Inspect items supplied by vendors and raise Goods Received Note for all deliveries
- Assist the Procurement Officer in the conduct of market surveys
- Participate in the activities of the Procurement Committee
Qualification and Experience
- A first degree or HND in Purchasing & Supply, Pharmacy or any Social Sciences and a minimum of 4 years’ experience in procurement or purchasing & supply, preferably in an international NGO
Job Title: Senior Associate – IT
Location: Benue
Division: Operations
Department: Information Technology Department
Job Description
- The job holder will have responsibility for providing a wide range of IT support services to users at the program and site offices, and for supporting the continuous functionality of all IT systems
Job Tasks
- Render IT support at the program and site offices
- Provide help-desk service to IT users at the program offices
- Carry out routine troubleshooting and repairs on hardware and software
- Render technical support during training programs, conferences and meetings such as deploying, setting up and maintaining multimedia systems/gadgets
- Work with the IT Officer maintain inventory of information and communication technology equipment
Qualification and Experience
- A First degree or HND in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering or any other related field; relevant professional certification(s) – CCNA, MCP and a minimum of 4 years’ experience in the IT function of a standard organisation
Job Title: Senior Associate – Administration
Location: Benue, Ondo
Division: Operations
Department: HR & Admin
Job Description
- To provide administrative and logistical support towards creating a conducive work environment, smooth day-to-day running of the office as well as ensuring successful organization of training programs, meetings and other office events
Job Task
- Provide administrative and logistic support to travelling staff members as may be requested, including making hotel reservations and flight bookings
- Oversee the cleaning of the office and monitor same to ensure the work environment is clean and tidy
- Coordinate the use and maintenance of office equipment, supplies and consumables to ensure optimal performance and all round functionality and availability
- Devise and maintain effective office systems, including creating and maintaining an effective filing system
- Manage the petty cash of the office, keep records of expenses and render accounts accordingly
- Receive and distribute incoming mails; prepare and forward outgoing ones for dispatch
- Review driver’s vehicle movement and maintenance log books on monthly basis and vet overtime claims of Driver and any other junior staff
Qualifications and Experience
- A minimum of 4 years cognate experience with a first degree or HND in any discipline in the Social Sciences or Humanities; membership of such professional bodies as Chartered Institute of Administration or Nigerian Institute of Management, etc. would be added advantage
Job Title: Senior Associate – Communication
Location: Abuja
Division: Operations
Department: HR & Admin
Job Description
- The job holder will have responsibility for projecting the image of the organization and implemented projects for awareness as well as management of APIN’s website; e-bulletin and online learning community, ensuring that activities delivered are on schedule and to budget standards.
Job Tasks
- Prepare, edit and publish contents for the APIN website, ensuring that contents and updates meet acceptable editorial standards
- Work with relevant Programs teams/departments to identify, highlight and publish APIN and donor success stories, lessons learnt and best practices
- Work with the media to create publicity and visibility for APIN-implemented donor projects at respective locations across the country
- Manage APIN’s public relations, interfacing with media houses and their representatives to ensure appropriate, timely and accurate reporting and publicity of APIN activities
- Contribute to the development of relevant IEC materials and relevant tools
- Drive the timely preparation and publication of the APIN quarterly newsletter, with a view to informing APIN stakeholders and other publics on the strides being made by APIN in the implementation of HIV/AIDS care, treatment and Tuberculosis management.
- Advise Management on how to improve and better promote the publicity and visibility of APIN-implemented programs and projects
Minimum Qualifications and Experience
- A degree in Mass Communication, Journalism or any other relevant degree (a Master’s degree in Communication Arts will be added advantage) and at least four (4) years’ work experience in a similar position, preferably with a non-governmental organization on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria or any other donor funded program, preferably with significant background in program management
Job Title: Senior Associate – Programming
Location: Benue
Directorate: Strategic Information
Job Description
- To support the maintenance of existing database platforms and to develop new ones to meet donor data reporting requirements.
Job Task
- Support the maintenance of existing programme databases and utilities on the File Maker Pro, EMR and Cispro platforms
- Design new database applications and utilities on other platforms apart from File Maker Pro in response to programme needs
- Develop and coordinate the implementation of data cleaning strategies at the Central Office and sub-contractor sites
- Design and implement in conjunction with other members of the Strategic Information Team capacity building plans for data managers at sub-contractor sites
- Perform any other official task as may be assigned by supervisor or Management
Qualification and Experience
- A B.Sc. or HND in Computer Science or Information Technology, Physical Sciences or Engineering with professional certifications in database management software (DBMS) like SQL, Delphi, SQLite, Oracle, MySQL; preferably with a second degree in Information Technology/Computer Science.
- A minimum of 4 years cognate experience, 2 of which must be in creating scripts in a development sector/environment, testing scripts in a quality assurance environment and implementing large updates on databases.
Job Title: Program Associate – Database
Location: Oyo, Abuja, Benue, Plateau, Ekiti, Osun, Ondo, Ogun
Directorate: Strategic Information
Job Description
- To provide hands-on support to the management of the program’s database at both the office and sites level.
Job Task
- Carry out routine data cleaning activities
- Analyze and summarize sites’ error logs on a monthly basis, highlighting emergent technical assistance needs as well as track sites’ usage and response to database error logs
- Provide online and onsite technical assistance to data management teams at the program sites
- Work closely with the Database team lead to ensure data are of acceptable quality and standard and carry out data quality assessments
- Contribute to the regular review of data management standard operating procedures (SOP) and the sites assessment tools
- Provide technical support to sites on data management issues, including data cleaning, analysis and reporting
- Collaborate with the Database lead to extract data for periodic program reporting
- Perform any other official task as may be assigned by supervisor or Management
Qualification and Experience
- A B.Sc or HND in Computer Science or Information Technology and minimum of 2 years cognate experience in database management.
Job Title: Senior Program Associate – Database
Location: Abuja, Benue
Directorate: Strategic Information
Job Description
- To provide hands-on support to the management of the program’s database at both the office and sites level
Job Task
- Carry out routine data cleaning activities
- Analyze and summarize sites’ error logs on a monthly basis, highlighting emergent technical assistance needs as well as track sites’ usage and response to database error logs
- Provide online and onsite t
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