Electrical/Mechanical/Site Engineers Job Vacancies in CACONS Limited

Current Job Vacancies for Electrical/Mechanical/Site Engineers in Nigeria

Our building services engineers being an understanding of the whole building, from early stage design concept to final delivery. Due to current expansion of our workload, we seek competent staff to fill the job vacancies below in our Lagos office. Since 1987, CA Consultants Limited has worked with leading architects both home and abroad to create beautifully engineered buildings.

We are looking for creative, energetic and enthusiastic university graduate engineers with minimum of 4 years practical experience in design and supervision of Building Engineering Systems.

Latest Job Vacancies in CACONS
Snr Electrical Engineer – Power & Lighting
Snr Electrical Engineer - Extra Low Voltage
Site Engineer
Snr Mechanical Engineer – HVAC
Snr Mechanical Engineer –Piping & Plumbing

In return, we offer a great work environment, opportunities for career growth, cutting-edge tools and a comprehensive remuneration scheme that includes an attractive salary, health scheme, contributory pension, savings scheme, profit sharing & bonuses, professional development & training, car loan, etc.

How to apply
Fill in the application form on our website www.cacons.com/careers.asp
quoting reference: CA040/011/02 or send your CV to mainoffice@cacons.com