Training For Trainee Swimming Coaches In Abuja at Crawford Swim World

Training For Trainee Swimming Coaches In Abuja at Crawford Swim World

Crawford Swim World was established in 2004 to fulfill the swim programming needs in Nigeria. The team has grown from a one person operation to a staff of 10 extremely qualified instructors and coaches providing programming at three swimming pools in Lagos and Abuja.

This year, we celebrate 10 years of teaching swimming and working internationally with the Swimming Teachers

In celebration of our 10th anniversary; Crawford Swim World is looking to empower 20 young persons within the ages of 18 and 25 to become Swim Coaches at no cost. 

•We will teach you how to swim for free.
•We will teach you how to teach swimming .
•We will pay you a monthly stipend per month to take care of transportation and feeding.

•Educational Degree is not a barrier
•You must be between ages 18 - 25.
•Good Interpersonal skills
•Good Diction and use of English
•Extreemly Courteous
•Positive disposition to life
•Religion and Gender is not a barrier.
•You must live within Kubwa and its Environs

How to Apply

Contact Head Coach, 0803 364 6524

Send CV to