Career Opportunity at Girl Hub Nigeria

Career Opportunity at Girl Hub Nigeria

Girl Hub is a strategic collaboration between the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Nike Foundation, designed to bring together the expertise of both organisations to transform the lives of adolescent girls. Our aim is to shift the social norms that hold girls back, and drive better investments that directly benefit girls.

Position: Consultant - State of the Girl in Nigeria

The Nike Foundation is a powerful agent for real change and poverty alleviation in the developing world.  The Foundations’ focus is on adolescent girls – its investments are centered on programmes and initiatives that enable young girls to realize their potential and transform their world, so unleashing a ripple effect of change.  The work of the Nike Foundation is designed to get girls on the global agenda and drive resources to them; ensuring ideas become real solutions that deliver tangible and sustainable results. In this way, the Nike Foundation fuels the girl effect ( - the unique potential of 250 million adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves and the world.

In line with the global mission, Girl Hub Nigeria currently works with adolescent girl in Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa states to ensure that girls from Northern Nigeria (Arewa girls) are equipped to make positive choices about their future, and their families and communities support them to do so. Our activities to date have been designed to address the aim of transforming the lives of Northern Nigerian adolescent girls by repositioning them in society as critical drivers for development. The objectives of Girl Hub Nigeria include the following:

  •     Increase the proportion of Arewa girls who complete secondary education of which 50% are the most vulnerable girls
  •     Reduce the proportion of Arewa girls who marry before the age of 18
  •     Provide Arewa girls with broad economic/work opportunities and financial support.

Our focus on Northern Nigeria to date is because that region of the country has some of the worst human development indicators in the world. Adolescent girls between the ages of 10 and 19 are the most affected, being one of the most vulnerable and excluded groups by almost any human development measure. For example, almost all girls in the north will be married by the age of 18, and 66% before the age of 16; as a result, girls experience some of the highest rates of early and high-risk pregnancies, of unplanned pregnancy, and of maternal mortality and morbidity rates in the world. Adolescent girls also have high rates of unemployment with minimal access to labour markets, income generation opportunities, and public spaces. They also face high rates of gender-based violence in and out of the home.

GHN is now interested to understand the broader Nigeria development landscape as it relates to progammes for girls through a thorough analysis of statistics on the state of the girl within the age ranges of 10 to 14 and 15 to 19, across the themes of education, health, safety and violence, economic empowerment and girls’ voice, rights and participation.

2. Consultancy Purpose

  • To programme effectively for girls and increase investments for girls, Girl Hub needs to understand the socio-economic, political and cultural situation of adolescent girls in Nigeria. It is in this regard that GHN is seeking the services of a consultant to undertake a thorough analysis of statistics on the state of the girl within the age range 10 to 14 and 15 to 19, at state level across Nigeria, and across the themes of education, health, safety and violence, economic empowerment and girl’s voice, rights and participation.

3. Consultancy Objective

  •     To analyse available data relevant to girls across the themes of education, health, safety and violence, economic empowerment and girl’s voice, rights and participation, to help understand the state of girls across all 36 states of Nigeria, plus the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. Where applicable data comparing the situation girls and boys should also analysed
  •     To draw conclusions on geography, and theme within that geography, where the need for support to girls’ development is higher/lower

4. Scope of Work

  •     To source and collate statistics on the state of the adolescent girl in Nigeria, including but not limited to data from DHS, World Bank and UN. GirlHub will provide guidance on a number of standard indicators to be explored, however the consultant will also be expected to provide guidance on and source additional indicators of importance for the regions and thematic areas of focus. Acceptable data sources and indicators will be agreed upon in an inception meeting.
  •     To analyse the data across the themes of education, health, safety and violence, economic empowerment and girl’s voice, rights and participation
  •     Disaggregate indicators  by age ranges (10 to 14 and15 to 19), state, and geopolitical zone
  •     Triangulate findings, by theme, with relevant data on existing programmes and services addressing girls’ needs. This data will be provided by GirlHub.
  •     Draw conclusions on the relative state of the girl across geographies, and indicate where the need for development support to girls’ is higher/lower

5. Consultant(s)/Consulting firm Deliverables

  •     Submit a concept note within one week of commissioning that reflects understanding of Girl Hub’s unique intervention approach and strategy, a comprehensive methodology for the assignment and detailed workplan with timelines.
  • Conduct all desk-based statistical research (including sourcing datasets) and any required liaison with relevant agencies.
  •     Analyse the data across the themes of education, health, safety and violence, economic empowerment and girl’s voice, rights and participation to determine how girls fair in all 36 plus the Federal Capital Territory Abuja.
  •     Submit a draft report of findings and recommendations for review by Girl Hub. The draft report will be commented on and returned to you within one week of submission.
  •     Produce a revised final report latest one week after the receipt of the draft report comments. Final report should include appendices with necessary background and methodological information on all data referenced in the report, and should be accompanied by an excel data file with all raw data organised by theme.
  •     Develop data analysis tools / frameworks to be agreed and approved by Girl Hub Nigeria and Girl Hub London.

6. Required Qualifications:

  •     Degree in statistics, demography, or related field.
  •     At least 10 years’ experience in statistical analysis especially as it relates to adolescent girls
  •     Strong written and oral communication skills in English required, including report development, writing and editing.



Please apply with a concept note outlining:

  •     a proposed methodology to meet the research objectives
  •     a preliminary workplan (reflecting your own availability)
  •     budget detailing consultancy days and any travel costs

Please provide also a capacity statement highlighting your area of experience and expertise with particular focus on key criteria above.

Submissions to be emailed to Badiatu Bala at with “State of the Girl in Nigeria” on the subject line of the e-mail, on or before 2nd April 2015